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Check here for the latest in a long line of accidents suffered by Sparky

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Many of Sparky's Accidents are of a construction nature due to the fact that he always gets involved in each and every construction project on the grounds of the house.

Sparky's Terrifying Drill AccidentSparky's Terrifying Drill Accident

by Sparky

I was recently assisting with a furniture building project when I set out to drill a hole in a piece of wood.  I carefully fastened the piece of wood to the workbench, then climbed up on a piece of electric train track that I always use as a ladder for just such projects, then I positioned the drill bit in just the right spot and pulled the trigger switch.

About a half inch into the piece of wood, the drill bit got stuck and the battery-powered drill took off in the other direction, taking me for a lengthy and terrifying ride until the battery finally ran down.

As usual, it wasn't my fault...I was just so startled that I "froze" at the switch and couldn't turn loose so the drill could stop turning.  After I regained my composure, I got to thinking that it might be a cool ride that I could provide for others, and I am looking into that prospect now while waiting for the battery to recharge.  I am sure glad that I jest have a rubber brain or else he might have gotten dizzy like reel people do.

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A Colossal Acme
Wheelbarrow Crash!!

During the construction of the back yard wall recently, Sparky’s Acme Wheelbarrow once again proved dangerous as the load shifted and it took a tumble and pulled him flying through the air with certain injury narrowly avoided.

The load of dirt was scattered down into the hole several inches from where it was intended to be delivered, thus resulting in more lost time attributed to the seemingly never ending bad luck connected to anything manufactured by the Acme Company, of Coyote/Roadrunner fame.

Sparky stated that although the dirt on the ground was somewhat loose and slippery, he could have easily controlled a good quality wheelbarrow made by a more reputable company.

Also of interest was the statement by some that watching Sparky fly through the air hanging on to the wheelbarrow handles, with his eyes nearly as big as his head, as being the funniest thing seen in recent memory.

Sparky didn’t think it was funny, though.
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Sparky starting down the hill just as he had done many times before
After the Acme Wheelbarrow malfunctioned and threw Sparky almost over the edge.

Terrifying Tree Accident!

Sparky was recently nearly injured during a tree cutting incident.  He was in the back yard cutting down a huge elm tree to make way for the future expansion of the landscaping when a sudden gust of wind came up and caused the huge tree to topple prematurely while he was still sawing the trunk.

NOTE: Be sure to click your mouse thingy on any of these photos to make them reel big.

The morning started out reasonably calm and Sparky took all normal precautions to avoid any further industrial accidents that seem to plague him during any such activities.  He first carefully sawed off any lower branches on the tree that could have poked out an eye or torn some clothing.  As the branches became harder to reach he went and got his outdoor rocking chair to use as a suitable platform to continue cutting of the branches.

After clearing out the pile of branches from under the tree to avoid any possibility of accidents, Sparky scooted his rocking chair around the other way so he wouldn't over exert himself while sawing through the massive trunk of the large elm tree, which towered nearly three feet above his head. 

As you can see from the accompanying pictures, when the gust of wind came up, the gigantic tree, which was partially sawed through, toppled over and landed directly on Sparky, knocking both him and his chair over before anybody even knew what was happening.

Fortunately, Sparky was uninjured, and his chair suffered only a few loosened nails and was quickly repaired.  The tree went into the trash and it is now in the city dump.
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Sparky trimming branches off huge tree.
Sparky sawing down the huge tree.
Sparky trapped helplessly beneath the huge tree.
Another shot of tree after it fell on Sparky.
cartoon of guy with jackhammer



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